2020 | Watch & Learn

Hello 2020 and mega world crisis with a global pandemic and extreme racism (devastating times). Lord have mercy on this place, these people, and our worried selves and sanitized hands that really just wanna hug and high five humankind.

Sometimes its the little things. Tonight it was washing the produce. I upgraded to a faucet with a sprayer a while back and it feels so good on my hands. While scrubbing dirty beets I thought about being privileged…to have clean water, and enough of it. (Side note, God I pray our friends in Pokot, Kenya still have adequate and abundant water sources with the wells we had dug.) Then I ate some of the clean blueberries and heirloom tomatoes. So juicy and so sweet. This weekend is the 4th of July. I got $65 worth of small fireworks (crackers…smoke bombs…tanks…the parachute…fountains…sparklers…snakes). We’re going to skewer lots of things (well, food items, nothing back country) to get festive. Strawberry, brownie, marshmallow, blueberry is one sweet treat. Then skewer fresh mozzarella, tomato, basil with balsamic vinegar to be savory. And grill with friends and hopefully watch some bigger ones in the neighborhood. I love the magic of fireworks lighting up the night.

I still want to hug every African American or other dark skinned person I see out and about. May hate and privilege and entitlement die a slow and painful death and abundant love for all be our lens.

God, what do you have to tell us?

I cannot wait to pick the kids up tomorrow afternoon. There is always so much chatter in the car ride home. And questions. Those sweeties always wanna know what I’ve been up to. P.S. This photo is of Fields 3 years ago washing while he was singing a happy tune.


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